The stand alone version of the program is available for download below:


Please follow the instructions as mentioned below to install the program on your system.

1. Download the compressed source of the packpred program from the download link below.

2. Uncompress/extract the tar-ball in to your working directory, after extracting the tar file you will see the base directory 'yeti_mutational_perdictor'. Change you directory to the extracted 'yeti_mutational_perdictor' folder.

3. Open the file called in a text editor and edit the path in the 'install_dir' line to install in the directory of your choice. Do not chnage any other parameter in the file. Save and close the file.

4. Run the script present in the 'yeti_mutational_perdictor' directory to start the installation.


The following python packages must be installed prior to installing Packpred. Make sure that you system have these packages installed.

1. Scipy
2. Matplotlib


1. If there is any permission denied error during the installation then give the executable permissions to the 'yeti_mutational_perdictor' folder.
To give executable permission open the terminal/console window and change directory to the folder where you extracted the compressed file and execute the following commands:

chmod -R 755 yeti_mutational_perdictor/*.py
chmod -R 755 yeti_mutational_perdictor/*.sh


Download the Packpred program