Using this option, the user can upload their own statistical potential and use it for testing.
Format for custom potential file
The custom potential file consists of two comma-separated fields. The amino acid pairs represented by
three-letter codes (ex. ALA-ALA) form the first field and their corresponding potential values form the second field.
Each residue-pair and its potential value occupy a separate line. Below is an example of how the entries in the file should
look like
ALA-ALA, -3.809
ALA-ARG, -3.044
ALA-ASN, -2.725
ALA-ASP, -2.474
ALA-CYS, -2.11
ALA-GLN, -3.029
ALA-GLU, -2.759
ALA-GLY, 0.0
ALA-HIS, -3.192
For details, a sample file is provided here:
Custom Potential File