Q.1(a) Database location
To make search faster, CLICK uses a locally stored copy of the PDB database. This is done to avoid fetching the structures from remote PDB database and hence save time.
Q.1(b) What is the frequency of updating the local database ?
The local copy of the database used by CLICK is synchronized with the latest snapshot of the PDB database every week
(on Sunday at 01:30 AM, Indian Time Zone). Due to the 1 week window between successive update of the local database, sometimes, it can
happen that the PDB code entered by the user is not found by the server and the server will show an error saying that the
'PDB structure not found'
If you are sure that you have entered a correct the PDB code and the server is still reporting the
'PDB structure not found' error, then we suggest that you upload the structure rather than specifying the PDB code. This can happen when the local copy of the
database is yet to be synchronized with the remote servers.